This Party

17 February 2006

Ed Rendell on Charlie Rose

Gov. Ed Rendell, the second most powerful man in Pennsylvania, was on Charlie Rose's self titled show last night. Although I think he (Rendell) can be a real drag, yea verily utter scum at times, I liked a few of the things he said in the interview.

One thing that he mentioned was that voting in this country has been reduced to 30 second TV spots. From his mouth: "We've dumbed down politics and elections in the country." This was sparked when he mentioned that the DNC (I think) asked him to run blocker, so to speak, for Bob Casey's senate run. As Rendell pointed out, Casey might be pro-life but he has much more in common with democratic goals (18 out of 20 points he says) than Rick Santorum.

In the upcoming election Rendell wants to do his part to make sure that idiot liberals don't hide under a rock with the choice of two pro-life candidates in the same way that idiot conservatives hide under a rock when there are two pro-choice candidates. In his own words "The democratic Party has to be big enough for pro-life democrats." He mentioned that American politics isn't about what matters but is instead about abortion and gay marriage.

I agree.

Next Monday Charlie Rose will air an interview with Pennsylvia's most powerful man, Joe Paterno.


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