men of the people
Even I secretly believe that John Edwards is correct to suspect something is rotten in the state of the American Dream, I really, really don't like him. I figure politicians with youthful good looks have made their Faustian deals and have it coming. Exhibit 1 is JFK, who really wasn't that great of a president. But he made a good-looking corpse. Exhibit 2: Lady Di. And so it goes.
So my question: Is it wise to build a mansion when you're running for President on a populist platform? Won't people be curious where you got all that money? And question two: How big is Bush's ranch down there in Texas? And how much in taxpayer money has been spend to 'secure' it?
[The link may break: the article on Edward's house was dugg and was moved to the site's front page. Also, CarolinaJournal's parent company is the John Locke Foundation which, based on its support for free markets, should approve rather heartily of Mr. Edwards' new domicile.]
So my question: Is it wise to build a mansion when you're running for President on a populist platform? Won't people be curious where you got all that money? And question two: How big is Bush's ranch down there in Texas? And how much in taxpayer money has been spend to 'secure' it?
[The link may break: the article on Edward's house was dugg and was moved to the site's front page. Also, CarolinaJournal's parent company is the John Locke Foundation which, based on its support for free markets, should approve rather heartily of Mr. Edwards' new domicile.]
It's pretty boy versus prety boy versus pretty boy versus wench. How sad that we vote on image.
Nate, at Sun Jan 28, 07:26:00 AM GMT
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