This Party

06 February 2008

McCain v. Clinton

Sorry I missed this party last night. Things have been pretty crazy and hectic and I've not even had time to read all of the posts yet, but yesterday I was speaking with an Obama supporter. Before I continue, I'll make it known that I'm a Gravel supporter. After him, I kinda liked Biden. Last primary season, I favoured Gephardt and ended up voting against Bush. The election prior, I voted Nader. I'm not good at picking winners.

Anyway, back to my point. I was speaking with an Obama fan. I don't much have any strong feelings yet between Obama, Clinton and McCain. Of the democrats, I want to favour Clinton more because she's always being bashed and everyone is throwing their support to Obama, including John Kerry who didn't even back his own former VP candidate. I could go on with a list, but you get the point. Everyone is throwing their support behind Obama, which is making Hillary seem like an underdog, and I like underdogs. I also enjoy Bill flying off the handle.

Back to the point, the Obama fan seems to think that Obama has a better chance than Clinton against the Republican, likely McCain, because people passionately hate Hillary and will come out just to vote against her. I thought that sounded like it made sense. Then, I read this.

Still, McCain has so radicalized key conservatives that some have vowed to turn themselves into suicide voters next November by pulling the lever for Hillary Rodham Clinton over him.
This makes it seem that as much as conservatives may passionately hate Hillary, they may hate McCain even more, giving the Democrats a chance either way.

Not an earthshattering thought or anything that special, just a rebuttal to someone else who hasn't ever posted here, but I figure it's a thought that may be crossing some people's mind and I just wanted to share the other side. Hopefully I'll have something more thought provoking next time.


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