This Party

30 March 2006

On Cynthia, Gallup, And Crap Being Everywhere

In todays news, besides a partiular congresswoman having an incident with the Capitol Police in DC (and the story I link to here makes me think both of one of the reasons why I left that city, the overtones of race being put into everything, and how crappy journalists can be, the article puts an explanation of Matt Drudge's use of USCP in parenthesees, as if it is part of his original, rather than brackets. So they are effectively misquoting him. My English professor would have had words with me if I had done that.) is that... wait, that was a lot of ranting. Let me start again.

In todays news, more Americans are calling themselves Democrats than Republicans. As a conservative republican dittohead turned feisty moderate over the past three years I can understand why. Unbalancing the budget, limiting essential freedoms, and taking less money from people who have it are among my reasons.

The only reason I haven't completely turned sides is because I realize that the Republican marketing strategies are not Republican at all. For example, Republicans did things like stop talking about the "estate tax" and start talking about the "death tax" solely to manipulate the public into approving of its removal. Estates are something that the general public does not understand. Death is. Not everyone thinks of themselves as having an estate, even though they do and most wouldn't have been taxed, but death is as certain as taxes so why tax it? (I've told some people about this manipulation who don't believe me. Back in 2002, though, I saw a program with an interview of the market researcher who told them to make the change! It really was a conscious effort to market a product to the public.) Another example is the whole Karl Rove "go for the religious right and we'll get the power" thing.

Anyway, the Republican marketing machine isn't unique to the Republicans, it's just more visible there because the Republicans happen to hold the power. I can read, say, Bob Casey campaign e-mails and see the Democratic marketing machine at work, wheels spinning. If we had a Democratic president and congress we might have changes in policies but we'll still have the same crap spewing to affect weak minds. So I don't list crap spewing, I mean marketing, as a reason to dump the Republicans.

I bring this up because I suspect, with no hard numbers to support me, that the marketing is a factor turning some people off. It shouldn't, becasue the alternatives are simply more of the same, but oh well.

[4/3/06-- It seems like the link to the post about Cynthis McKinney is journalism of the worst kind. They keep updating it without leaving old copies around. What it looks like now is nothing like what it looked like when I first read it.]


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