Patriot Act Includes Crackdown on Meth Use
Our government is cracking down on meth use through the Patriot Act.
Overall, I'm pretty much in support of making all drugs legal, at minimum marijuana. From what a certain physicist tells me, it's less damaging and less addictive than both alcohol and cigarettes. I don't know for certain that this is true, but I am fairly certain it is less likely to cause cancer than cigarettes.
Regardless, I think our government needs to take a stand and be consistent. Either make all drugs illegal on the basis that they only hurt ourselves (and close ones, of course, as do all decisions that hurt us) or take the moral high ground. Make all things that are "bad" for us illegal. Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, caffeine, twinkies, and all those other harmful things in which we should not be choosing to indulge. I think violent television and video games desensitizes us and makes us prone to violence, so we should cut those out too. Actually, low-cut shirts on women kind of provoke impure thoughts. Those should be banned. I think those crazy Muslim countries may have some good ideas into which we should look.
Seriously though, it doesn't make much sense to me why cigarettes and alcohol are legal, but marijuana is not. Just in case anyone suspects me of having ulterior motives, the only drug I have more than once a month or two is caffeine. I have alcohol maybe once every couple or more months. I never have and never will smoke either cigarettes or pot and I'm not into any other drugs. I'm messed up enough as it is without adding to it with drugs. It just doesn't make sense to me why we can smoke ourselves to lung cancer and drink ourselves into a blackout, but we are not allowed to smoke pot.
That's just something that confuses me on a regular basis. Regarding making meth use more difficult, I am actually in support of that, in spite of thinking drugs should be legal. Why you ask? From what I know, which is not a whole lot, meth labs are pretty dangerous, run in people's homes, and often explode causing nearby houses and families to be injured or to die. I am kind of against blowing up neighbors' houses for the most part.
What confuses me about this though is that it is part of the Patriot Act. I though, and maybe I have been wrong, that the Patriot Act was supposed to protect our freedom from terrorists by taking it away. I don't support that whole concept, but taking that to be the case, I see that our government is taking away our right to buy tons and tons of sinus medications (a right we all deserve), but I can't even fathom a ridiculous pseudo-reason as to how this is protecting our freedom from the terrorists. Is their new plan to open meth labs throughout middle-america, get them even more addicted to drugs, and explode some houses along the way in an effort to attack middle-american? I guess it makes sense since there aren't a whole lot of New York Cities or Los Angeles'.
Agree that drugs should be legalized, with one or two caveats:
That by choosing to use drugs you forfeit whatever 'right' you have to free (government-funded) medical assistance when you OD. And the gov't is allowed to sue you for cleanup costs of your meth lab (per EPA regulations), and also sue you for child support when your kids are taken into custody.
Anonymous, at Wed Mar 08, 12:14:00 AM GMT
[For the record, I get slightly drunk on a regular basis, smoked all of three packs of cigars in college, and am so out of the loop that I couldn't find illegal drugs if I wanted to.]
Anonymous, at Wed Mar 08, 12:16:00 AM GMT
It's strange that this came up in relation to the Patriot Act.
Michael Chertoff, homeland security secretary, was on Charlie Rose a few months back and basically said that many parts of the Patriot Act should be made permanent because they outlined procedures used routinely in drug investigations and extended the government's authority to do the same for terrorism investigations.
And I thought it was a complete load of crap.
[I might as well join the I don't do drugs fest. I do regularly use clemastine fumarate, albuterol, and high fructose corn syrup. (For benefit of the police, those are an over the counter antihistimine that I take to reign in my mild allergies when I'm going to be losing sleep or visiting someone with a cat, a legally obtained prescription athsma medication that I use about once a month for athsma, and a pervasive food additive that makes me, and America, fat.)]
Nate, at Wed Mar 08, 04:06:00 AM GMT
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