Casey Indeed Wins!
Casey is on TV right now talking about progress and the economy and how nice it was to run against Santorum. "I really believe... that America can do better and we will starting tonight. But toinight, tonight is a night not only about the future.... tonight is about gratitude...." Awwwww!!!!!
In other news, Brennan has whooped up on Berrigan for the PA Assembly 133rd district.
In other news, Brennan has whooped up on Berrigan for the PA Assembly 133rd district.
Where are you getting results for Brennan and Berrigan...I can't seem to find any.
John E., at Wed Nov 08, 04:06:00 AM GMT
Channel 69. There you can (if you get the channel) read through all hundred and some Assembly races as they go by on the screen in seemingly random order. I still didn't catch anything about Boscola/Dodge.
(For the curious, Johnny and I live in the same districts.)
Nate, at Wed Nov 08, 04:15:00 AM GMT
Oh, and dispite not seeing Boscola/Dodge, I've not seen Rendell/Swann numbers there, but I've seen the Alpha Council about four times.
Nate, at Wed Nov 08, 04:16:00 AM GMT
Who's the Alpha Council?
Anonymous, at Wed Nov 08, 04:18:00 AM GMT
I was figuring you'd ask.
Alpha is a town somewhere, and their local votes are on even numbered years rather than odd numebred years like most of the small municipalities.
Nate, at Wed Nov 08, 04:23:00 AM GMT
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