Ross, Ross? Anybody seen Ross Perot anywhere? Where is the little older than dirt chart maniac when you need some reall interesting TV? The candidates are boring, drival, pointless and uninformed. The high and mighty elitist class still believes that the minority rule the majority. Join me my union brothers and rise up against the apartide.
Sorry, had to get that out. Somtimes my communistic indoctrinations by a "liberal" arts college take over. Thank you to Nate for the invite, and I look forward to contributing some truely insightful commentary in the near future.
Sorry, had to get that out. Somtimes my communistic indoctrinations by a "liberal" arts college take over. Thank you to Nate for the invite, and I look forward to contributing some truely insightful commentary in the near future.
Boring? Mike Huckabee knows his guns, Fred Thompson doesn't want to be President, Mitt Romney and John Edwards have totally metro hair, John McCain is always saying something new, Hillary and Rudy wear nice dresses, Joe Biden saw a UFO, and Ron Paul... exists. So for boring you must be talking about Barak "Vision With No Plan" Obama. As for pointless and uninformed, well, I have to agree that you got those dead on.
Nate, at Mon Jan 07, 03:36:00 AM GMT
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