Fixing Our Political System!
I don't know if destroying the two party system is the best idea in the world, but I do know that the two parties we have kind of majorly suck. So, unless we can get a third party in, which does not seem likely unless Perot, Forbes, Gates, and some other rich people pull together to form, then I think trying to break the two party system is the only real solution for now.
(As a side note, I don't know if a party funded by the rich would really be much different unless it were actually rich people who weren't in love with the idea of a corporate run America. Then it could conceivably work.)
So, how do we destroy this two party system? We need to organize and go covert. We need hundreds of good "Republicans" and "Democrats" to go undercover, fund raise like Rendell, and get elected as Republicans or Democrats. Once in, they can "cross party lines" and do some bi-partisan work to allow other parties and independent candidates to have a chance in the elections. I don't know what types of laws would need to be passed, but those are just details to be worked out later. For now, we just need to all start organizing and uniting. The beauty is that we don't have to have the same political beliefs, we just need to agree that the Democrats and Republicans suck right now and something must be done about this. It will mean having to sell ourselves off as wholly one or the other, but there are worse things, right?
If anyone's interested in this "movement," let me know. We should get this thing rolling.
A better idea would be what I just said, but if everyone uniting DID have the same political views. Then we all sell ourselves off as Republican or Democrat, get elected, then all change to our new party causing total chaos. Though this idea is much more fun and dramatic, I think it would be more difficult to organize and unite that many politically like minded people. Plus, with the lack of sincere political diversity, it might become obvious to others. If a bunch of tie-dye wearing hippie freaks tried to pass themselves off as real Democrat candidates, we'd all know the Green Party was behind it.
So, let me know what you think. At least we have some change for now. The millionaire party has been somehwat replaced by the other millionaire party! Woo hoo!!!!
(As a side note, I don't know if a party funded by the rich would really be much different unless it were actually rich people who weren't in love with the idea of a corporate run America. Then it could conceivably work.)
So, how do we destroy this two party system? We need to organize and go covert. We need hundreds of good "Republicans" and "Democrats" to go undercover, fund raise like Rendell, and get elected as Republicans or Democrats. Once in, they can "cross party lines" and do some bi-partisan work to allow other parties and independent candidates to have a chance in the elections. I don't know what types of laws would need to be passed, but those are just details to be worked out later. For now, we just need to all start organizing and uniting. The beauty is that we don't have to have the same political beliefs, we just need to agree that the Democrats and Republicans suck right now and something must be done about this. It will mean having to sell ourselves off as wholly one or the other, but there are worse things, right?
If anyone's interested in this "movement," let me know. We should get this thing rolling.
A better idea would be what I just said, but if everyone uniting DID have the same political views. Then we all sell ourselves off as Republican or Democrat, get elected, then all change to our new party causing total chaos. Though this idea is much more fun and dramatic, I think it would be more difficult to organize and unite that many politically like minded people. Plus, with the lack of sincere political diversity, it might become obvious to others. If a bunch of tie-dye wearing hippie freaks tried to pass themselves off as real Democrat candidates, we'd all know the Green Party was behind it.
So, let me know what you think. At least we have some change for now. The millionaire party has been somehwat replaced by the other millionaire party! Woo hoo!!!!
Divide and conquer. I like it. And, as I once told you, you really do have an inner protestant :)
Nate, at Thu Nov 09, 04:44:00 AM GMT
How does my idea smell of protestantism?!?! And wasn't I suggesting more pseudo-divide conquer and divide again? Assuming we couldn't all unite on all the same beliefs of course. :-)
John E., at Thu Nov 09, 08:55:00 PM GMT
I'm sure we could at least have a period of holding up our lighters, swaying together in the name of Joy for all that we accomplished in overthrowing the extremes adn amybe even surviving a political Inquisition. After a few years we'd collectively get bored and start arguing, just like protestants.
Nate, at Wed Nov 15, 11:50:00 PM GMT
Gee, my spelling is ospt no tonight.
Nate, at Wed Nov 15, 11:51:00 PM GMT
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