House to Democrats; My Night Ends
Because this is obviously your favorite political news source, and thus you haven't read it elsewhere (yes, ahem, right), I figured I'd share that the U. S. House will be controlled by the Democrats.
More on Murphies...
The Murphy of PA08 has won against Fitzpatrick. The Murphy of PA06 is leading by a percent or so over Gerlach, with 75% or so precincts reporting.
A few local things of interst...
Voters in Reading defeated the city run trash collection proposal. Rightfully so. I heard a lot of talk from the supporters, for many years now in fact, that city run trash collection would clean up the city. I, of course, think that's a stupid thing to say. The city already has a slough of ordinances dealing with trash. Residents are required to have a sanitation contractor. Residents are not allowed to pile trash around their homes. So why is the city a mess? It is lack of code enforcement that is making the city a literal dump, not a problem with the fact that trash pickup is serviced by provate contractors. I'm glad this one failed.
Lehigh County voters have amended the home-rule charter to combine the Clerk of Courts, Registrar of Deeds, and Registrar of Wills into a single position startign in 2008. For those from out of state, yes, we vote for all those people. I voted against this proposal because I saw no benefits. I have this thing for Pennsylvania bureaucracy, layers upon layers of governing muck. It's quite nice becuase it gives more people the chance to be a leader and really screw things up for someone else.
Pennsylvania voters have decided to make a fund to pay money to Gulf War (the first one) veterans. This fund was a nice gesture and, since it's not a whole lot of money, I voted for it.
Pending Awards....
Tomorrow I hope to get around to awarding a few races. I'll try to get to the following:
-- PA State Humiliation '06 Award to the state level candidate who lost by the highest vote percentage margin in a two way race. This person must be congratulated and should be happy to have won at least something.
-- PA State Weasel '06 Award to the state level official who won by the smallest total number of votes. Weasels who speak of mandates will be considered vermin. More so than the usual politicians.
Similar awards may be given for U.S. House races from PA and House and Senate races nationwide.
And, if I really have time on my hands, I will get to this one-time only special award:
-- PA State I Guess I Don't Suck Even Though I'm Poor Award to the state level incumbent who accepted and/or voted in favor of the filthy pay advance and/or pay raise last year and came closest to losing without losing, if any of them even made it.
More on Murphies...
The Murphy of PA08 has won against Fitzpatrick. The Murphy of PA06 is leading by a percent or so over Gerlach, with 75% or so precincts reporting.
A few local things of interst...
Voters in Reading defeated the city run trash collection proposal. Rightfully so. I heard a lot of talk from the supporters, for many years now in fact, that city run trash collection would clean up the city. I, of course, think that's a stupid thing to say. The city already has a slough of ordinances dealing with trash. Residents are required to have a sanitation contractor. Residents are not allowed to pile trash around their homes. So why is the city a mess? It is lack of code enforcement that is making the city a literal dump, not a problem with the fact that trash pickup is serviced by provate contractors. I'm glad this one failed.
Lehigh County voters have amended the home-rule charter to combine the Clerk of Courts, Registrar of Deeds, and Registrar of Wills into a single position startign in 2008. For those from out of state, yes, we vote for all those people. I voted against this proposal because I saw no benefits. I have this thing for Pennsylvania bureaucracy, layers upon layers of governing muck. It's quite nice becuase it gives more people the chance to be a leader and really screw things up for someone else.
Pennsylvania voters have decided to make a fund to pay money to Gulf War (the first one) veterans. This fund was a nice gesture and, since it's not a whole lot of money, I voted for it.
Pending Awards....
Tomorrow I hope to get around to awarding a few races. I'll try to get to the following:
-- PA State Humiliation '06 Award to the state level candidate who lost by the highest vote percentage margin in a two way race. This person must be congratulated and should be happy to have won at least something.
-- PA State Weasel '06 Award to the state level official who won by the smallest total number of votes. Weasels who speak of mandates will be considered vermin. More so than the usual politicians.
Similar awards may be given for U.S. House races from PA and House and Senate races nationwide.
And, if I really have time on my hands, I will get to this one-time only special award:
-- PA State I Guess I Don't Suck Even Though I'm Poor Award to the state level incumbent who accepted and/or voted in favor of the filthy pay advance and/or pay raise last year and came closest to losing without losing, if any of them even made it.
As for the last award on the list, I'm pretty sure (~90%) that Rendell either signed or supported the pay raise.
Anonymous, at Wed Nov 08, 01:52:00 PM GMT
After a brief check, I was right. Rendell signed the pay raise into effect. After the public outcry, the State Legislature, in a near-unanimous vote, voted to repeal the pay raise, which Rendell also signed.
Anonymous, at Wed Nov 08, 01:55:00 PM GMT
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