Liberals Stop Whinging, Prepare To Do What They've Been Complaining About
Master Johnny and I have previously expressed our disgust with extremism in the political parties. Trust me, we have a lot more to say about it than we say even here. So this makes me angry.
I don't find most of what they plan to do too extreme.
They speak of three main things: workplace protections for gays, a broader hate-crimes law, and a multi-pronged push to reduce unplanned pregnancies.
Workplace protection for gays is fine as long is it's just antidiscrimination stuff like they have for minorities and women.
Reducing unplanned pregnancies is a wonderful idea if they mean preventing people from becoming pregnant, which I think they do, because it will also likely reduce abortions and even if you're pro-choice, I don't think anyone thinks abortions are a geat idea.
I don't know about the hate crime stuff though. I don't know about curent hate crime laws and I am against hate crimes, but I kind of think that a crime is a crime. Unless it's treason, I don't know why your motivation should factor in really. Like I said though, I'm petty clueless on this topic.
Later in the article they go on about changing don't ask don't tell, but I don't really know why the all the gays want to be able to join the army. I wish there was some don't ask don't tell policy about being a physicist or a Catholic or some other category that I fall in to. Thay way when there's a draft, I could just confess to being me. If they get rid of this don't ask don't tell stuff, I can't even pretend I'm gay to get out of it. So, I'm definitely against removing the dont ask don't tell policy.
NOW also wants to tighten controls over silicone breast implants. This may be an extreme one. I don't really know what the current controls are, but like laser surgery on the eyes, I'd just recommend that you appeciate what you've got and don't mess with it. Get a sexy pair of glasses and a wonderbra. No need for such risks as surgery. Really.
Some responses from the other side have been:
"Instead, anticipate the fiercest assault of our time against abstinence, marriage, life, good judges, and religious freedom." I believe that the liberals want to educate about sex and birth control more, but I'm pretty sure they want to keep the abstinence stuff still in there. If gays got married, the divorce rate would probably drop thus increasing the sanctity of marraige. :-) I think it's funny that they think the crazy democrats are going to pick poor judges...I guess because they probably won't be pro-life. The religious freedom thing is a possibility and that'd be going too far. I don't see that actually happening though. Democrats are becoming aware, I hope, that they need to use religion like the Republicans just refocusing on more important issues like poverty, starvation, and those kinds of things.
"Pro-life Democrats are likely to be marginalized in positions where they have little influence." Ahem...they already are and have been for ages.
"All Americans must be prepared to endure serious threats to their freedom of speech, their right to make employment decisions as business owners and their religious freedom in the business world." I don't think the ACLU will let the Democrats get away with infringing on our freedom of speech. They've defended the KKK. Business owners already lack rights to make many employment decisions, which is probably good and bad in different ways. Good in that it may limit their ability to take advantage of the workers, bad in that it's their business and they may not be able to properly run it. And as I said, religious freedom shouldn't be compromised. If the Democrats really try to run with anything that extreme, or anything too extreme for that matter, they're just going to lose control in two years. The Democrats have to be sensible, intelligent, and really do the right things now or they're going to lose their weak grip.
I'm very against extremism, but I don't think their plans are too extreme and I hope to God the Democrats aren't that stupid, but I don't have a whole lot of faith. Time will tell.
John E., at Sun Nov 19, 07:02:00 PM GMT
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