you go girl
"Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has begun a calculated series of meetings with top New York Democratic officials to signal that she is likely to run for the presidency in 2008 and to ask for their support if she does, according to one state Democratic official who spoke with her and two others who have been briefed on her plans." Full story here.
Boy, I don't know if her campaign staff could have broken this news with less excitement. I mean, can it be that hard to come out and say what we've all known since she ran for Senate in 2000--that the woman will run for President?
Boy, I don't know if her campaign staff could have broken this news with less excitement. I mean, can it be that hard to come out and say what we've all known since she ran for Senate in 2000--that the woman will run for President?
Man, that was a horrible article! I feel as though every single paragraph, maybe each sentence, just said Hillary is probably going to run for president, but we can't say sure because she wants to pretend she might not. How many ways can you vary that sentence.
I can't wait to see her lose the Democratic nomination now...just because I'm sick of pretending like she might not run. That was annoying me about McCain for a little while too. I had read that he formed some sort of committee to look into his running for president. At least he finally came out of the closet. Think Hillary's gonna come out of the closet anytime soon?
Btw, is Obama the only real Democratic candidate out of the closet yet?
John E., at Tue Dec 05, 02:36:00 AM GMT
I'm not sure whether to be madder at Hillary's campaign/propaganda staff, for playing the little "will-she-won't-she" games that all political staffers are taught to play, or at the NY Times, for decided that such wishy-washy waffling was not only newsworthy but deserving of painful analysis.
Here's the best link I could think of with a list divided into candidates, potential candidates, and possible candidates, near the bottom.
Anonymous, at Tue Dec 05, 11:41:00 PM GMT
Was that an analysis? hehe That was really a painful article. I'm a fan of holding everyone responsible responsible. Without the staffers and without the idiots at the NY Times, the article would not have been published.
Thanks for the link. I thought McCain finally came out, but it appears he didn't. Oh well. At least he isn't doing the Hillary will I won't I crap. Obama isn't fully out either. I don't know where I've been getting my news.
John E., at Wed Dec 06, 04:31:00 PM GMT
You've probably been getting your news from the news.
Anonymous, at Wed Dec 06, 11:54:00 PM GMT
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