Sorry for the Bad News
Everyone...that is, all two of you. I have some bad news. There are going to be terrorist attacks late in 2007 resulting in mass killings. How do I know this you ask? Well, Pat Roberston was told by God "during a recent prayer retreat that major cities and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September." September...we're good til September, then we're in trouble. Be prepared. This is the same guy who told us the meteor was coming to Florida because of the gay rights parades. He doesn't just shout out stupidity to get publicity.
I'm sorry, but if God told Pat Robertson there is trouble, then there is going to be trouble. To learn more of the impending doom, go here.
I'm sorry, but if God told Pat Robertson there is trouble, then there is going to be trouble. To learn more of the impending doom, go here.
Is this related to politics because Robertson ran for President once, or am I missing something?
Nate, at Fri Jan 05, 10:24:00 AM GMT
It's related to politics because of the number of politicians who will be denouncing his remarks, I guess.
Anonymous, at Fri Jan 05, 03:47:00 PM GMT
To be honest, it slipped my mind that it isn't actually related to politics. I think because Robertson does make lots of politically charges statements, I didn't think it through.
Here's the official reason:
At some point soon, I'm sure he'll relate the coming terror to homosexuals, immigrants, or Muslims, at which point it will become political. This was a preemptive post.
Anonymous, at Sun Jan 07, 03:58:00 AM GMT
Ah, very good then. Good enough for me anyway. Carry on :)
Nate, at Sun Jan 07, 05:34:00 AM GMT
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