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16 December 2006

Muslims and the Holocaust

Back to Iran's Holocaust conference for a minute: Here's a telling moment in the life of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, with her commentary.


  • Ragarding the conference, do you think they intentionally didn't invite Mel Gibson because they didn't want to pollute the place with Hollywood or do you think Gibson didn't attend because he figured Apocalypto had enough press coverage already?

    Also, apparently there were some Jews in attendance there. Talk about self-hating. Must have been tough for David Duke to control himself.

    Speaking of the KKK, why don't the "Minutemen," as they call themselves, call up the KKK for reinforcements down there at the border? I'm sure the KKK, neonazis, and lot's of the other hate groups would be more than happy to kick some Mexican ass. Maybe they just didn't think of it. If you know any Minutemen, feel free to share my idea with them!

    By Blogger John E., at Tue Dec 19, 01:25:00 PM GMT  

  • Unlike the KKK et al, the Minutemen are trying to be a respectable organization. Their work assists the US government in legally taking care of illegal border crossers. They have no desire to break laws and they stifle the desire to take the law into their own hands.

    This reminds me that I sometime need to rant about why the "Illegal immigrants aren't criminals" argument is obviously self-defeating.

    By Blogger Nate, at Tue Dec 19, 08:49:00 PM GMT  

  • Did the Iranian conference come up with any statement of consensus (such as "We believe that the Holocaust didn't happen"), or, like most gatherings of conspiracy theorists I've witnessed, did they mistrust each other and end up in disagreement because each had a different version of why the truth couldn't have happened?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Dec 20, 02:23:00 AM GMT  

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