from my cold dead hands
Here's the story, though it's now old news: Greg "Lumpy" Lambert, who owns a used car lot down here and famously offered to bundle a gun with every car purchase, was elected to the Knox County Commission earlier this year. Lumpy, needless to say, believes in the NRA. I voted for Lumpy because he is an idiot.
A few weeks ago, Lumpy was at his car lot when a young man appeared wanting to buy a car. Lumpy had his concealed weapon on him, and when the youngster pulled out his own weapon in Tarantino fashion, intent on stealing the car, he found himself staring down Lumpy's quick-draw.
Two further developments make this story even better. When the story got out and the media arrived, Lumpy demonstrated his gun-handling skills, and total disregard of basic gun safety, by drawing and pointing his weapon (still-loaded?) at the watching TV cameras. The other development: the 19-year-old who Lumpy "took down" had murdered a Walgreen's delivery driver earlier that day and was hoping to steal a getaway car.
Oh, and then a few days afterwards, State Senator Tim Burchett pulled his gun on several teenagers whom he caught as they were stealing from his warehouse. But he was nice and "offered them chocolate chip cookies" while he waited for the police to arrive.
A few weeks ago, Lumpy was at his car lot when a young man appeared wanting to buy a car. Lumpy had his concealed weapon on him, and when the youngster pulled out his own weapon in Tarantino fashion, intent on stealing the car, he found himself staring down Lumpy's quick-draw.
Two further developments make this story even better. When the story got out and the media arrived, Lumpy demonstrated his gun-handling skills, and total disregard of basic gun safety, by drawing and pointing his weapon (still-loaded?) at the watching TV cameras. The other development: the 19-year-old who Lumpy "took down" had murdered a Walgreen's delivery driver earlier that day and was hoping to steal a getaway car.
Oh, and then a few days afterwards, State Senator Tim Burchett pulled his gun on several teenagers whom he caught as they were stealing from his warehouse. But he was nice and "offered them chocolate chip cookies" while he waited for the police to arrive.
Fuuny you mention that last bit. I had a pastor who caught someone in his house in the middle of the night and was chided by his mentor for not offering the guy food and water.
Seems like you people have a lot of fun times with weapons down there in Tennesse. I'm stuck up here in the commonwealth of "even if it was self defense you're going to be detained for a long time like a criminal and we probably aren't going to have a have a trial but you had better hope we do because an acquittal in trial is the only way you'll get this arrest off your record." Thery're less nice if you actually shoot someone.
Nate, at Mon Dec 04, 07:53:00 PM GMT
That article makes me want to go out, get a license for a weapon, and go buy me a pistol. I do love PA ever so much, but I wish our representatives did stuff like that. Maybe I'll join the NRA. I'm all about freedom of speech, but I do also value the right to bear arms. I fear someday, like say if soon-to-be-former Senator of PA Rick Santorum were elected president, we would need a violent revolution to get America back on the right course. You never know. Stock up now!
John E., at Tue Dec 05, 02:49:00 AM GMT
The only reason I don't carry a gun is the expense involved. The CCW permit is cheap, but guns and ammo aren't.
If you ever have a pile of cash to blow we could go waste a few boxes at the local indoor range.
Nate, at Wed Dec 06, 06:32:00 AM GMT
We must definitely do that sometime. I don't necessarily have money to blow, but I do feel the need to shoot a gun.
John E., at Wed Dec 06, 04:24:00 PM GMT
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