A Couple of Things for Contributers
Do any of you have any updates for the people of interest list on the sidebar? Post a comment if you have a name or a link you'd like to see there.
Speaking of links... they aren't hard. In the main post writing page, you can just highlight the text, click on the link button, put the URL in the pop-up box (beware of doubling the http://), and you get a link in your post. Comments don't have that option, so you need to put in the links by hand. I can edit posts to fix your bad links, but not your comments, so get 'em right.
Also, do any of you have an e-mail account that can have a filter to forward copies of selected incoming e-mails? Right now I don't have any of us getting comments in their e-mail because Blogger allows only one e-mail address per blog. I could just go buy a domain name and probably get something that way, but I'm too cheap and lazy to do that.
Speaking of links... they aren't hard. In the main post writing page, you can just highlight the text, click on the link button, put the URL in the pop-up box (beware of doubling the http://), and you get a link in your post. Comments don't have that option, so you need to put in the links by hand. I can edit posts to fix your bad links, but not your comments, so get 'em right.
Also, do any of you have an e-mail account that can have a filter to forward copies of selected incoming e-mails? Right now I don't have any of us getting comments in their e-mail because Blogger allows only one e-mail address per blog. I could just go buy a domain name and probably get something that way, but I'm too cheap and lazy to do that.
Labels: maintenance
Nate, Persons of interest: Orson Scott Card, Tom Clancy, and Ben Stein.
I will be referencing these folks and thier work in my up comming posts.
ProLPconserve, at Fri Jan 11, 09:15:00 PM GMT
I read your post about OSC, and I thought "Hey, I should put his blog on the Persons of Interest!" Great minds must think alike.
Nate, at Sat Jan 12, 06:17:00 AM GMT
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