Dear Mr. Rendell
Your campaign commercial asks us who we want for governor, someone who will clean up Harrisburg or Lynn Swann. My answer is both. You've had four years in office and you didn't do it. So why don't you run along and get back to work?
Thanks awfully.
Moby's Thoghts
I just recently went to Moby's website and saw that he had some interesting things to say on is what he said:
ok, 2 months to go until the midterm elections.
some reminders:
a-traditional republicans are not bad. the republican party has some good goals.
small government. fiscal responsibility. enlightened foreign policy. etc.
b-the current crop of republicans are a complete waste of time and space.
they've created the biggest federal government in the history of the u.s.
they started a war in iraq based on lies and deception and hubris.
they've left the u.s vulnerable to terrorist attack by overextending u.s troops
they've alienated our allies.
they've lied about the cost of their medicaire bill.
they've cut homeland security budgets while spending $1billion PER WEEK in iraq.
they've created a climate of partisan corruption and deceit(delay, lott, frist, rove, libby, rumsfeld, etc).
c: the democrats aren't great, but they're certainly a lot better than the current crop of lying, arrogant, inept republicans.
so: vote democrat, at least until the republicans get their act together and stop being insane, inept, bible-belt, corrupt, deceitful, cronyistic, misguided, dimwits.
i'm not partisan.
i'm just sane.
support of the republicans in 2006 means that you oppose stem-cell research that could save millions of lives. that you support a war in iraq that was based on lies and has resulted in iraqii civil war. that you support pork-barrel crony-ism like the bridge to nowhere in alaska. that you're insane(see rick santorum). that you're a racist(see george allen). that you believe that dinosaurs and humans co-existed. that you'd rather ban flag burning than take care of homeland security. and so on.
the best thing that republicans could do is to vote democrat. this would encourage the republican party to stop pandering to the insane right wing fringe and start governing from a position of sanity and reason.
He even makes a reference to or wonderful senator! Don't forget to vote Santorum this November!
On a related note, up here in Scranton we have what's called the Italian Festival every labour day weekend. I was fortunate to attend with a friend or two and there was this marvellous Republican stand. It was more a Santorum stand than a Republican stand, but they had Lynn Swann and some other Republican candidates' information. I felt bad for the Republicans in the area as I imagine not all Republicans (or Pennsylvanians) want to be represented by Rick Santorum. There was a lovely sign there that said "Santorum is Italian." That made me feel bad for the Italians...even being Irish. Some things just cross the line.
So, all in all, this Irish Democrat from PA felt bad for all Pennsylvanians, Republicans, and Italians as a result of one stand.
Limey Sez
Hillary might not run.
But what do they know?