This Party

30 May 2007

Thompson Entering Race

It looks like Thompson is going to run for president! Read more here. Now, if Gore decides to run, I think we're going to have Gore v. Thompson...that's my prediction. It'd be a tough call who would win though.

29 May 2007

me for president

Searching for information on candidates' environmental policy positions, I just bumped into this nice little poll which ranks the announced, the likely, and some not-so-likely presidential contenders against your own ideals. John McCain headed a crowded field with 68% right, which means, if I don't grade on the curve, that every one of this (multi)year's crop of politicians has failed to grasp the essence of Peterism. Now if there were only a way to tell which of those positions they will actually follow through on...

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16 May 2007

Harmony Among The Candidates?

or: Pet Sounds?

Read the Chicago Tribune's pet blog, Unleashed, on the pets of various presidential candidates.

This so totally makes me want to vote for McCain.

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05 May 2007

Florida Pisses People Off

There isn't any other way to say it. Apparently not everyone is happy with states choosing to have early primary elections.

(The post title is only an accidental reference to the state's shape, by the way.)
