This Party

16 October 2008

Ahhh... the dabate....

Mythbusters was pretty darn good tonight. They were shooting arrows at a ninja. It had violence and adrenaline and, most importantly, substance.

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do we really have to endure another 3 weeks

of this tepid non-campaign campaigning? Why? Why? Why?

And how soon before the election is John McCain going to hoist the blooded head of Osama Bin Laden on the White House lawn?

McCain just called Sarah Palin "his partner". She's qualified to be President because she understands special needs families, and autism is on the rise. Could autism be the new terrorism?

McCain's hurt

McCain's getting all teary and upset that he and Sarah Palin have been called racists.

"If only Senator Obama had agreed to do town hall meetings with me we wouldn't have had a negative campaign."

Uh, whatever.

McCain comes out swinging

"The centerpiece of Sen. Obama's plan is class warfare."

Where do I sign up for the revolution?

08 October 2008

Debate Deshamte... Where's the Juke Box in This Dump?

Lousy town hall, really. That's all I have to say.

I want Bob and Chuck to come so we can hear something relevant, Cynthia to come make a fool of herself, and Ralph to come lobby for fewer airbags in the debates.

On an unrelated note, I've been thinking about the Queen song "Flick of the Wrist" every time I hear Obama's name today. Worse could happen, I guess. I could have "The March of the Black Queen" stuck in my head. Or "Radio Ga-Ga."

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final words

[In the next 4 years] "we will be talking about countries that we don't know where they are on the map, most Americans." Thank God you picked a VP who follows that strong lead, John McCain.

Hilarious! They stepped in front of the teleprompter to shake hands and threw off Tom Brokaw! Poor Tom! He was trying to keep this thing together the whole time and never did get the candidates to cooperate.

okay, this debate officially stinks

This has been a horrible debate on both sides. Both Obama and McCain keep talking and there are fewer and fewer questions being asked. I was waiting for, I don't know--something--and it never happened.

McCain on foreign policy

We, Afghan freedom fighters, whoever, drove the Russians out of Pakistan.

Iraq has been great war to get distracted on because now we have a strategy to solve the problems in Afghanistan.

I'll get Osama Bin Laden. I'll get him. But I can't tell you how.

did you hear the size of the fine?

John McCain, champion of small business, would like to know how much the fine will be for Small Business Owners who refuse to provide healthcare to their employees. I'd like to know why he thinks we should regulate Wall Street but let Main Street run any way they want to.

Reasons John McCain is NOT my friend

1) He works in government.
2) He likes Sarah "Guns & Ammo" Palin
3) He is rich.

Quit saying "my friends" like you've ever come over for movie night!

why not tax the rich?

John McCain wants a tax cut for ALL Americans. And he's going to buy up our homes and rent them back to us?!? Okay...

McCain vs. Obama

All the pundits seem to be saying that McCain has to win tonight in order to appear relevant. Tom Brokaw looks very youthful. Watch out Brian Williams!

03 October 2008

Democrats in Alaska?

So Sarah Palin says she's Bipartisan, which is quite an admission considering her stand on gay marriage.

Point 1, First Point: Are there any?

And Second: What are they there for? The free oil-company handouts?

And Finally: Do they run their snowmobiles on biofuel? Do they humanely club seals? Do the give the environment the morning-after-pill after they rape it, using a condom?

John McCain has, John McCain hasn't

It's all about John McCain here, for good or bad. Barack has been mentioned once or twice, mostly by Joe Biden.

Sarah Palin Sez

The Republicans are the party of diversity due to how many variations you can find in crazy white male members?



Sarah Palin--"John McCain knows how to win a war." WHAT WAR DID JOHN MCCAIN WIN? If you're looking for "Vietnam" as your answer--WE LOST IN VIETNAM.

"a national tragedy of historic proportions" if McCain-Palin win.

"And heaven forbid, ever, that that would happen, no matter..."

I believe Sarah is starting to crack. I don't think it's just the wine wearing in.

"Mandate more things on me..."

Early Voting?

I found this on the Drudge Report at 9:58PM.

[adding: I forgot to mention that it disappeared when DR refreshed. Let's see if it comes back later.]

never mind the moderater

From the way they're going at it, I don't think that anyone is going to remember tomorrow that Gwen Ifill moderated this debate. She's getting run over.


Sarah Palin Sez

That a campaign that talks about change and the future is wrong to look to the past?

Um... huh?

so after this debate...

Will Sarah Palin go on to do more interviews with the press?

"Our nukular weaponry here in the USA is used as a deterrent and that's a safe, stable way to use nukular weaponry."

How Can Anyone Vote For

A ticket where the vice president wants to use Alaska's energy resource to make America energy independent? What the heck? I mean, we use a quarter of the world's oil, and how much of it's coal? What are we going to do after we use the 3% of the world's oil that's in Alaska? And then the however much it is of the world's natural gas? Are we going to burn down the southern forests, then kill all the seals and squeeze their oils into our gas tanks?


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Foreign Policy!

Iraq! Surge! Success! Funding for troops!

"Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq and that's not what our troops need to hear." -- S.P.

Everyone has "great respect" for everything.

"As my mother would say 'God love him' [John McCain] but he's dead wrong." -- J.B. Oh, good! So he can do folksy, too.

Sarah's met with G.W Bush: Everything is Newk-you-ler.

is the McCain campaign suspended?

Sarah has made several references about the McCain campaign being suspended due to the financial crisis. What's been suspended besides media access to her?

OOOh! She's talking about ANWAR! Drill baby drill!

"Alaska feels and sees the impact of climate change before any other state." We have to reduce emissions! Energy independence. Conserving our petroleum products.

Joe Biden just wants to export clean coal technologies to China so the West Coast won't have to suffer from China-caused pollution.

Drill baby drill. Again.

the Joe and Sarah Smackdown!

"I call [the McCain healthcare plan] the Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere." -- Joe Biden

Let's get it on!

John McCain and I: the Sarah Palin story

"The fundamentals of our economy which are strong are the American workers." Ah, so NOW I understand why John McCain kept saying that.

"We need to band together and say: Never again!" Joe Six-Pack and I are going to Wall Street to protest!

"Darn right we need tax relief for Americans!"

Gwen Ifill is going to get herself in trouble if she keeps cutting Palin off. I can hear Rush crying foul already.

can I call you Joe?

And so it begins ... the debate to see whether Sarah Palin can put together a coherent sentence.