This Party

18 April 2007

Party Lines & Obama favouritism in the media

It's great to see all of the prominent presidential candidates stand up for their parties' beliefs. Guiliani, McCain, and Romney all support the full ban on partial birth abortions, while Obama, Edwards, and Clinton are all pretty stronlgy opposed to the decision.

The democrats seem to take issue that the mothers' health is not a factor. If it comes down to the mother dying or having a partial birth abortion, the mother dies. I don't know why they wouldn't just ban partial birth abortions when the mothers' health is not at risk...wouldn't that make more sense and make everyone happy? Can't we all just get along.

On a side note, if you read the linked article above, you'll see the media showing favour to Barak Obama over the other democratic candidates. He has the longest blurb and his reasons are the only one's we're actually given. The statements by all three of them seem to pretty much say the same thing to me, but it's interesting Obama's the one most fully quoted.



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