This Party

07 January 2008

Small Town USA

2 blocks down the street from my home, is a subsidized housing progam dwelling. Inside this cubical debacle are persons of questionable character. This is not opinion, but rather fact, as said homosapiens stupidious were observed by my wife and myself dealing drugs in order to finance more bling, more things, and of course keep the Ganja flowing. THE Ganja must flow! He who controls the Ganja controls the universe! (Thank you Frank Herbert) These acts were duly reported to the local athorities who did absolutely nothing - love those tax payer dollars going to worthy working (heh-hem) govenrment employees.

Ironically enough, depite the repeated calls for enforcement to be enacted, two weeks prior to Christmas, a group of young thugs staged surveilance from this said establishment on the Local High End Jewlery Store, half a block further down the street. I know this, like the general Public all knows this, yet the authorities cant recall this -becasue the vehicle used as the getaway car after the armed robbery took place, was seen in front of the local drug house. Infact, the getaway vehicle almost hit a coworker of my wife, and they gave chase to the car, calling it in to 911 comm center, only to be told "do not engage in non-authorized activity". Of course the locals didn't locate the car for 48 hours after the good samaritans called the description in.

My Point is this - your physical security is in your hands. What happens in your neighborhood IS your business and you DO have a responsibility to report it to the appropriate authorities at the very least. However, do not count on the uniforms to always come through - your ultimate well being is yours to master. Consider this a small lesson on civil responsibility.


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