Epire States of America
Recent Literary adventures brought me in contact with a work of (thankfully) fiction by Orson Scott Card. Card is the author of Ender's Game, Children of the Mind, and various other works. The work that I read was actually an endeavor of his into the socio-polticial spectrum and was geared toward an alternate History (in the near future past) of the USA. Card's premise was that a small group of highly determined, higly edcuated minds, were able to colaborate to create a near second civil war scenario where the line were figuartively drawn between the "red and states".
As we know the last elections showed a huge diversity in voting trends whereby the greatest metroplois in many states out weighed the rural populous by nearly 3:1 in some places. Cards ascertion, backed by actual trending information draws on the idea that major metros lean Liberal, and the rurals lean conservative.
Media manipulation and educational influencing by liberal institutions and educators are also a resounding theme as Card builds a national web of conspiracy. Irony and eerie realism can be closely seen directly and indirectly originating from current events. This read was fun, fast paced, and down right frightening if you dont trust the government. Oops - we probably just got flagged on the NSA watchlist. LOL. [Knock, knock]
Gotta go, Big Brother just showed up.
As we know the last elections showed a huge diversity in voting trends whereby the greatest metroplois in many states out weighed the rural populous by nearly 3:1 in some places. Cards ascertion, backed by actual trending information draws on the idea that major metros lean Liberal, and the rurals lean conservative.
Media manipulation and educational influencing by liberal institutions and educators are also a resounding theme as Card builds a national web of conspiracy. Irony and eerie realism can be closely seen directly and indirectly originating from current events. This read was fun, fast paced, and down right frightening if you dont trust the government. Oops - we probably just got flagged on the NSA watchlist. LOL. [Knock, knock]
Gotta go, Big Brother just showed up.
In the story, was it really the liberal media? Just curious.
Do you have a title or a URL to what you were reading?
Nate, at Sat Jan 12, 06:35:00 AM GMT
The Title of the book was called "Empire" by Orson Scott Card. Sorry, no URL, this was a paperback version found in the local bookstore.
AS for the Liberal Media, they were as much a tool as a co-conspirator. Remeber, the media today is as much about drumming up the business (Keeping and gaining readers/watchers) as reporting the news. Overall, the media in general has ceased to objectively report the news, but rather uses hype and scare writing to generate "intense emotional experiences". The by focusing on feelings (subjective, individualistic), you remove the objectivity (Factual, universal).
ProLPconserve, at Sun Jan 13, 01:06:00 PM GMT
Ah, the incompetence of media! I like your description. John might be along sometime to rant about that, unless he's so sad that he's just ignoring it.
Nate, at Tue Jan 15, 05:47:00 AM GMT
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