...in sixteen years.
No surprises. No big fights. No... anything other than what we've gotten endlessly for months.
I would prefer to have Bob Barr as President. He's got all the charm of Cheney and all the balls of Biden, but in a welcome sort of way that uses fewer words to say more.
I don't have much hope of him or anyone like him becoming President for a very long time.
Too many people play petty party puppet politics. I've gotten crap from all sorts of McCain people for my supporting a candidate who can't win, ironically mostly from people whose ideas match more with Barr than McCain. Sadly, the abortion and gay marriage vote can't handle a Libertarian, no matter how much else they have in common. On top of that, the more deeply thoughtful conservative* people I know seem to use their brains every four years only to rationalize why they should vote for some lesser evil who any outsider looking in would never think they would support.
Unless someone can show me otherwise, I will not believe that I happen to know all 500 people who vote for Republicans even with someone like Barr around, or for that matter all 500 people who vote for Democrats with candidates like Nader out there. Two-party politics is a self fulfilling prophecy. It only remains because almost everyone plays as if it must be the way we do things. And unfortunately it pays off the winning group with welfare in the pockets as a distraction or hints of theocracy to make them feel holy.
I'm with Thomas Jefferson who in remarking on instability being a difference between democracy and oppression wrote--
Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietam servitutem.
Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people, which have produced them.Unfortunately, when it's the people screwing themselves, the people provide no good way out. Fat chance any Republican I know will wake up because I voted for Barr. They'll only listen if everyone like Barr changes radically and becomes part of the problem.
[* As they call themselves. I find no meaning in that word.]
Labels: Hype '08, rhetoric, theory