Officially Meaningless
This is the Liberal/Conservative FAQ for the Thinking Person
Q: How can you make politics not only easy news but also completely meaningless?
A: Use a univariate liberal/conservative scale to assess even the most complex of things.
Q: How do you use this scale to your own ends?
A: Accuse others of being whatever the dumb people you're trying to woo think is evil.
Q: So what is a liberal?
A: Whatever self professed conservatives call evil.
Q: And what is a conservative?
A: Whatever self professed liberals call evil.
Q: Is there an overlap?
A: Yes, only due to the inanity of it.
Q: Is this crap unique to politics?
A: No. A similar thing happens as when a New Englander tells a Southerner that Maryland is in The South, or a Southerner tells a New Englander that Maryland is in The North. Even Marylanders can't get a grip on the idea of The Geographical Middle, and geography, unlike politics, actually has only one north-south direction.
Q: So, who wins from this?
A: Those who stay the course, unless you're a liberal.
Q: And who wins if you're liberal?
A: Those who bring about a time of change strangely reminiscent of the time before change.
Q: Does it matter that this sort of thing means nothing because it is to simplified?
A: Yes, because people think it has meaning. Social reality is, for better or worse, reality.
Q: Should we move to Canada over it?
A: No, they do the same fricking thing there. Hosers.
Q: How can you make politics not only easy news but also completely meaningless?
A: Use a univariate liberal/conservative scale to assess even the most complex of things.
Q: How do you use this scale to your own ends?
A: Accuse others of being whatever the dumb people you're trying to woo think is evil.
Q: So what is a liberal?
A: Whatever self professed conservatives call evil.
Q: And what is a conservative?
A: Whatever self professed liberals call evil.
Q: Is there an overlap?
A: Yes, only due to the inanity of it.
Q: Is this crap unique to politics?
A: No. A similar thing happens as when a New Englander tells a Southerner that Maryland is in The South, or a Southerner tells a New Englander that Maryland is in The North. Even Marylanders can't get a grip on the idea of The Geographical Middle, and geography, unlike politics, actually has only one north-south direction.
Q: So, who wins from this?
A: Those who stay the course, unless you're a liberal.
Q: And who wins if you're liberal?
A: Those who bring about a time of change strangely reminiscent of the time before change.
Q: Does it matter that this sort of thing means nothing because it is to simplified?
A: Yes, because people think it has meaning. Social reality is, for better or worse, reality.
Q: Should we move to Canada over it?
A: No, they do the same fricking thing there. Hosers.
Labels: common sense, rhetoric, slimeballs
wow! where'd you come up with this? All for the most part, true, albeit simpliifed, but then again - its refreshing for somthing so normal
ProLPconserve, at Tue Jan 29, 01:30:00 PM GMT
I think I'm voting third party. Assuming there's a straight talking third party candidate. I can't handle the emptiness and shallowness. Anyway, nice thoughts!
John E., at Tue Jan 29, 07:19:00 PM GMT
I came up with this presentation format on a whim. The thoughts have been building in my mind over the past five years or so, and they were triggered to emerge by the article in that link.
Third parties... an interesting idea, but I think that for any third party to be successful they will need to grow into a money grubbing, butt kissing, major organization, which would ultimately end up with them being one new label on the crap we have already. Of course, you could always vote for This Party. Which of us is running as a write-in, anyway? (Oh, my bad. We're all under age 35. Shucks.)
Nate, at Wed Jan 30, 02:15:00 AM GMT
Just to fan these flames.
Nate, at Wed Jan 30, 05:12:00 AM GMT
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