Would Somebody Win Already?
Look, I've been hearing Hype '08 since about November 9, 2006. It's time for it to be over. Unfortunately, as with meat products, the total processing time in politics is longer when the ingredients contain more scraps. And that's what we have now, scraps. Seriously. The slate is
"My dreams need not become reality to give hope" Obama. Vision. Hope. No future.
"I'm going home to see mom so give me my football" Thompson. Way to sell yourself, big boy.
"I saw a UFO" Kucinich. Feh.
"I'll turn around our economy as I destroy the rest of the government" Romney. Just what we need.
"Hey, remember me? I was a vice presidential candidate once" whatever his name is. Get a cheaper haircut.
"Want to see my old newsletters?" Paul. Crazy old coot has no appeal.
"Older than dirt" McCain. This living personality cult now comes in Baptist.
"We've got to take back America for Christ" Huckabee. After all, Jefferson and Jesus were America's finest leaders, and they were Baptists too.
"Me and Monica have at least one thing in common" Clinton. Hey, she sucks.
"I was mayor of New York fer Chrissake, so why am I getting so few votes in other places" Giuliani. Um, because you suck, too?
I hope I'm not forgetting anyone. They aren't all that memorable, really. When I go to vote in PA in April and it means absolutely nothing because some drone is already going to win in November, I'll be looking forward to a brand new four years of competence, security, and good living in America.
"My dreams need not become reality to give hope" Obama. Vision. Hope. No future.
"I'm going home to see mom so give me my football" Thompson. Way to sell yourself, big boy.
"I saw a UFO" Kucinich. Feh.
"I'll turn around our economy as I destroy the rest of the government" Romney. Just what we need.
"Hey, remember me? I was a vice presidential candidate once" whatever his name is. Get a cheaper haircut.
"Want to see my old newsletters?" Paul. Crazy old coot has no appeal.
"Older than dirt" McCain. This living personality cult now comes in Baptist.
"We've got to take back America for Christ" Huckabee. After all, Jefferson and Jesus were America's finest leaders, and they were Baptists too.
"Me and Monica have at least one thing in common" Clinton. Hey, she sucks.
"I was mayor of New York fer Chrissake, so why am I getting so few votes in other places" Giuliani. Um, because you suck, too?
I hope I'm not forgetting anyone. They aren't all that memorable, really. When I go to vote in PA in April and it means absolutely nothing because some drone is already going to win in November, I'll be looking forward to a brand new four years of competence, security, and good living in America.
Labels: fast'n'loose guvs, Hype '08, slimeballs
You want competence, AND security ? Geez Nate, We;re better off taking over the world like we planned back in the 6th grade! LOL! Truth be told, I havent made up my mind either. The crack about Perot in my previous writing was actually partly true...where is the little dweeb anyway? I hear he popped up to criticize one of the candidates, but I heard the major news networks dropped his story when he pulled out the flow charts and grafts.
ProLPconserve, at Sun Jan 20, 11:28:00 PM GMT
Do you mean Ross Perot Jr, the pilot who has some helicopter records and was involved in a T-38 debacle a few years ago, or Ross Perot Sr, the old guy whose broad ears and rather nimble Atlanto-axial joint inspired the invention of the autogyro?
Nate, at Mon Jan 21, 08:01:00 AM GMT
I think he came out criticizing McCain for a variety of reasons with the base reason being he just hates McCain. I agree though, they all seem to suck. Anyone see "An Unreasonable Man" (or Copenhagen)? The former makes you want to vote third party.
John E., at Mon Jan 28, 03:01:00 PM GMT
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