the yokels are restless
I missed out on early voting down here in this long-time-Republican corner of the South, which turns out to be a good thing, because we got mentioned in the Grey Lady. W00t! The article omitted that Greg "Lumpy" Lambert, he of pro-Rocket Launcher,-Assault-Rifle credentials, Actually Used his Concealed Weapon this last year when a killer on the run, decided, in a fit of criminal stupidity, to steal a car from his lot. (And then the next day he demonstrated his quick-draw skills for TV and pointed a loaded weapon at a cameraman in the process.) I realize I have probably mentioned this incident before in these pages, but I bring it up again because it's an episode that you can spin any way you want. [eg. NYTimes: "Politician's Gun Safety Record Under Investigation" vs. Fox News: "Responsible, Armed Citizen Wins Critical Battle in War on Terror". Or the local headline, which would be something thrilling like "Car Theft Averted."]
Having a national paper (unofficially) endorse those of a slightly less trigger-happy inclination ought to stir up more controversy.
Btw, anyone else up for a SuperTuesday blogathon akin to the one we did last election (Nov. 2006)?
Having a national paper (unofficially) endorse those of a slightly less trigger-happy inclination ought to stir up more controversy.
Btw, anyone else up for a SuperTuesday blogathon akin to the one we did last election (Nov. 2006)?
Funny you should ask about blog-a-thoning.... I was going to come and ask the same thing. I don't know when I'll get to the computer, and how many diapers I'll need to change after I start. At the latest I will be around before the polls close out west. Feel free to start without me (and our other half, who may or may not read this in time to join us, and who may or may not have time to play).
Nate, at Tue Feb 05, 09:02:00 AM GMT
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